Thursday, August 28, 2008

When it Rains

This hurricane season is not playing with us. Look at the projected paths of Gustav and Hanna. I pray that these suckers provide much needed rain, but that a Hurricane Katrina-type storm does not occur.

Being from South Florida (and the Caribbean) I have seen my share of wild weather; however, the past five years have had such an increase in crazy storms, I don't know what to think. I mean, my evangelical upbringing leads my to question whether Jesus is indeed on his way. But seriously, are our crazy emissions and overall disrespect from Mother Nature increasing the weather shenanigans we are seeing?

While no one needs a hurricane, these most recent storms--such as Fay and Gustav--unfortunately seem to be wreaking damage in places already wracked by poverty and hard times. Several people have been killed in the Dominican Republic and Haiti the past week due to the weather and now Gustav is headed towards Jamaica (my people are battening down the hatches) and perhaps to New Orleans. Sigh.


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