Friday, June 13, 2008

Whose Wedding is it Anyway?

No, I'm not getting married. But "Whose Wedding is it Anyway?" on the Style Network is a guilty pleasure of mine. I confess.

Another guilty pleasure of mine is Logo's dramedy, Noah's Arc. Its not quite biblical--think Sex and the City meets Girlfriends meets Queer as Folk, with a pinch of The L Word for flavor. Those fools at Logo "suspended" production after the season two cliffhanger (did Wade make it out of the car crash alive?!) in favor of a feature film, Noah's Arc: Jumping the Broom, to be released in September. Click on the link to see the teaser of the film:

So.....this is a feature film, right? You know I'm going to be in the theatre with rainbow colored bells on supporting gay black cinema (and hot black men), so let's not get that twisted. However, I'm a bit concerned about the picture quality and....

1 comment:

David said...

Mmm, on a totally shallow level, "Noah's Arc" makes me wet!