Thursday, July 24, 2008

That thing you said

Thanks to rootsinthecity for passing this gem along. There's a video blog sweeping the web entitled "How to Tell People They Sound Racist." I like the whole notion of holding people accountable for their actions, rather than zipping off into outer space so the racist fool can tell you how many black, latino, gay, etc. folks are their friends. (You know I had to throw sexuality up in there too!) This response makes me think of that old Pat Parker poem, "For The White Person Who Wants To Know How To Be My Friend."

The first thing you do is to forget that I'm black.
Second, you must never forget that I'm black.

You should be able to dig Aretha,
but don't play her every time I come over.
And if you decide to play Beethoven -- don't tell me
his life story. They make us take music appreciation, too.

Eat soul food if you like it, but don't expect me
to locate your restaurants
or cook it for you.

And if some Black person insults you,
mugs you, rapes your sister, rapes you,
rips your house or is just being an ass --
please, do not apologize to me
for wanting to do them bodily harm.
It makes me wonder if you're foolish.

And even if you really believe Blacks are better lovers than
whites -- don't tell me. I start thinking of charging stud fees.

In other words -- if you really want to be my friend -- don't
make a labor of it. I'm lazy. Remember.

1 comment:

Fitness Goddess said...

Wow...I'm feeling that poem. A year ago one of my friends told me that he was creating business sized cards that he could pass to people when they made a racist comment. I can't remember exactly what he said it would say but something along the lines of "Just in case you didn't notice I'm black, and your comment was extremely offensive. He was half joking when he suggested this but I have found myself in several situations where one of those cards would be useful.